2020年7月にオーストラリア厚生労働委員会 (Fair Work Commission) が最低賃金の改正を発表しましたが、
今年度は業種によって最低賃金の引上げ時期が異なり、来週明け11月1日より、Fari Workで定めるGroup2の業種において
最低賃金:1時間あたり$ 19.84(カジュアルの従業員の場合は最低賃金に25%の上乗せが必要)
1 July 2020 ➢Group 1:運輸/運送、金融、介護、医療、保育、介護、クリーニング、教育業界(Essential services)
1 November 2020 ➢Group2: 資源、不動産、交通、建設業、製造業(食品工場含む)業界
1 February 2021 ➢Group3: ホスピタリティー、観光、小売り、航空業界
詳しい、各種レベルのレートはFaire Workのサイトから、
- Aluminium Industry Award
- Animal Care and Veterinary Services Award
- Aquaculture Industry Award
- Architects Award
- Asphalt Industry Award
- Black Coal Mining Industry Award
- Book Industry Award
- Broadcasting, Recorded Entertainment and Cinemas Award
- Building and Construction General On-site Award
- Business Equipment Award
- Car Parking Award
- Cement, Lime and Quarrying Award
- Clerks—Private Sector Award
- Coal Export Terminals Award
- Concrete Products Award
- Contract Call Centres Award
- Cotton Ginning Award
- Dredging Industry Award
- Educational Services (Post-Secondary Education) Award
- Electrical, Electronic and Communications Contracting Award
- Food, Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Award
- Gardening and Landscaping Services Award
- Graphic Arts, Printing and Publishing Award
- Higher Education Industry-Academic Staff-Award
- Higher Education Industry-General Staff-Award
- Horticulture Award
- Hydrocarbons Field Geologists Award
- Hydrocarbons Industry (Upstream) Award
- Joinery and Building Trades Award
- Journalists Published Media Award
- Labour Market Assistance Industry Award
- Legal Services Award
- Local Government Industry Award
- Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award
- Marine Towage Award
- Maritime Offshore Oil and Gas Award
- Market and Social Research Award
- Meat Industry Award
- Mining Industry Award
- Miscellaneous Award
- Mobile Crane Hiring Award
- Oil Refining and Manufacturing Award
- Passenger Vehicle Transportation Award
- Pastoral Award
- Pest Control Industry Award
- Pharmaceutical Industry Award
- Plumbing and Fire Sprinklers Award
- Port Authorities Award
- Ports, Harbours and Enclosed Water Vessels Award
- Poultry Processing Award
- Premixed Concrete Award
- Professional Diving Industry (Industrial) Award
- Professional Employees Award
- Rail Industry Award
- Real Estate Industry Award
- Road Transport (Long Distance Operations) Award
- Road Transport and Distribution Award
- Salt Industry Award
- Seafood Processing Award
- Seagoing Industry Award
- Security Services Award
- Silviculture Award
- Stevedoring Industry Award
- Storage Services and Wholesale Award
- Sugar Industry Award
- Supported Employment Services Award
- Surveying Award
- Telecommunications Services Award
- Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Associated Industries Award
- Timber Industry Award
- Transport (Cash in Transit) Award
- Waste Management Award
- Wool Storage, Sampling and Testing Award